Dear Friends
Just recently returned from a trip to Moscow, and I would like to share with you the situation.
The Jewish people feel more secure in the X-USSR, than our brethren in France or Belgium, Putin might be hated by the West, but he definitely provides a safe environment for the local residents.
On the downside the Rubble lost half its value at the end of 2014, imported goods have nearly doubled in price, but even the local merchandise has gone up about 25%, this greatly affects the pensioners and lower middle class, who are the beneficiaries of our programmes.
Enclosed some photographs I took at the Soup Kitchen. The meals start at 12:00 and rotate every 20 minutes, in order to utilize the space for as many people as possible. Note the various routes our drivers take on distribution of our "meals on wheels" which is very time- consuming with the horrendous traffic situation in Moscow.
As well some pictures of our newly opened Medical Centre where patients can see a Dentist, Optician, Cardiologist, expectant mothers come for pre-natal checkups, (just to mention a few) all these services are provided for free or a nominal symbolic fee. This establishment is a necessity where private medical care is prohibitively expensive and public care is atrocious.
Most heartwarming was spending time with the children at Gan Esther, the only Jewish Institution that looks after both physically and mentally challenged children in metropolitan Moscow. This school is administrated by Inna whose devotion to the cause is truly legendary. Note the children have already started to draw pictures of Haman in preparation for Purim next month!
Of course, no visit to Moscow would be complete without a metro ride to the Choir Synagogue and Red Square!