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Chamah > Main Menu > News > Chamah provides emergency aid to Ukraine Jewish refugees immigrating to Israel

Chamah provides emergency aid to Ukraine Jewish refugees immigrating to Israel

02/03/2022 - 29 Adar

As Ukraine is in chaos, millions of Ukrainians are desperate to leave the country. After a harrowing journey, thousands of Jewish refugees including babies only two weeks old, have arrived in Israel with just a few meager belongings.
Chamah in Kiryat Malachi together with a team of volunteers provide these refugees with a warm haven supplying them with food, clothing, shoes, toiletries, housewares, appliances, furniture, toys, school items and more.

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They have left behind a life story ; children's puzzles on the table, refrigerators with freshly cooked foods and started jars of mayonnaise and ketchup, wet laundry waiting to be dried, children's schoolbags placed near the front door with finished homework in their notebooks waiting to be graded.    

Their heavy winter gear needed for freezing Eastern European climate; snow-boots and insulated coats that they escaped with, are not suitable for Israeli mild winter. They do not have  other shoes! All this is besides the psychological affects and trauma's uncertainty of not knowing, will they succeed in crossing international borders with little or no food for days and no sanitation facilities or heat.

Hungry and cold, these displaced persons arrived in Israel with just the clothing they're wearing!

Chamah together with a team of volunteers provide these refugees with a warm haven after their harrowing escape. Chamah supplies  them with food, clothing, shoes, toiletries, housewares, appliances, furniture, toys, school items and more.


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