Peter Naumovich lived in suburban Ramenskoye. After he graduated elementary school, he studied at a vocational school. After he finished serving in the Army, he went to work at a local factory that produced plastic panels. The safety of the workers in the plant was not top priority. Plastic manufactured without any special filters for protection leads to the release of harmful organic substances. Many people who worked with Peter at the plant did not survive. Many of the workers drank heavily which very often caused injuries and accidents at work. Peter Naumovich, too, in his youth, drank alcohol very frequently.
Perhaps that is why his personal life did not work out... By the time of his retirement he acquired a variety of chronic diseases: cancer, cirrhosis of the liver in the initial stage and stomach problems. He now lives very humbly, in his old house that needs repair, but Peter Naumovich is not discouraged. He calls the assistants from Chamah who attend to him. They are responsible for restoring order in his bachelor home. Recently, in addition to the food parcels, on the eve the of his 70 birthday, they brought him dinner and set the table beautifully. His joy knew no bounds: 'Thank you very much! This is the best gift for my 70th birthday!", he exclaimed to his aide.