Margarita Isaakovna and Samuil had lived together for more than 55 years.
They have always had a hospitable home, and loved to receive visitors
- family and friends. Their son and his family live in Israel. He had
two daughters and three grandchildren. They were unable to see their grandchildren and great-grandchildren - two boys and a girl. Being 79 years old, Margaret Isaakovna, and 82 year old Samuil, did not work out . They are both unhealthy.
Two years ago, Margarita became ill, and was diagnosed with leukemia. In everyday language this terrible disease is called cancer of the blood. She was hospitaizedl, and underwent a course of chemotherapy. Intravenously she was given highly potent drugs in high doses, designed to destroy all the alien aggressive cancer cells. As a result of this course of chemotherapy, she became very weak and lost all the hair on the head...
On the last day before her discharge, weakened Margarita Isaakovna accidentally stumbled on a chair, fell and broke her hip. Again, she was forced to remain in the hospital, where she underwent an operation ... Stillness, she was imobile for many weeks. Her husband was not able to live alone, and care for himself. His 76 year old sister, who lived with her daughter and grandson (her son-in-law had committed suicide) took him in to care for him.
It took Margarita Isaakovna a year to recover from her surgery. She was assigned a caseworker from the charitable organization in Moscow, Chamah. Upon returning from the hospital, Mary Isaakovna’s husband returned home. An assistant from Chamah had to stay with them around the clock. She got up to the patient at night, washed, shopped, cooked, and cleaned up the apartment. In addition, periodically they had a nurse come to monitor the blood count of Mary Isaakovna. Their life slowly adjusted to a resemblance of normalcy.
Then another problem occurred. Margaret and Samuil lived on the first floor of an old house, with wooden ceilings. An organization purchased the basement in the house and started to make repairs, to use the space for their needs. While welding, due to the negligence of the welder, lit the wooden floors, and the fire spread above.The apartment of Margaret and Samuel burned down completely.
The assistant from Chamah helped the couple, quickly, as fast as possible leave the apartment. But the building burned so that it was unable to be repaired.
What stress they experienced! They lost all their furniture, clothes, and books. All that was dear to their hearts, things reminiscent of the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, were lost forever. Samuil was not able to recover from this disaster. He died suddenly of a heart attack...
Margarita Isaakovna lives in an empty apartment, alone, trying to cope with her sickness and fears, while receiving occasional news from her son.