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Educational Programs | Chamah > Israel 22

Chamah > Israel > Educational Programs

Educational Programs

Educational Programs

Child Saving Program
The adaptation process to a new country is not only difficult for the adults; children struggle in certain ways even more. Understanding the social dynamics, finding friends - crucial tools for a child - are not easily come by. Many new immigrant children drop out of school, which is just the beginning of a tragedy for the parents and, of course, for the child.

Chamah conducts a special Child Saving Program, which is designed specifically to keep this from happening. Professional consultants and educators travel across the country. The aim is to find a suitable institution for this child, quite often with dormitory facilities, so he can adapt more easily into Israeli society with other children. The adaptation process is carefully evaluated and closely scrutinized, and the counselors facilitate between the schools and the parents.

Thousands of  children have been placed in learning institutions extremely suited to their needs. These 'children' have grown and created thousands of healthy families.

Weekend Retreats
Weekend retreats provide the opportunity to experience a Shabbat. Guests ranging from young singles to three generation families come from all localities in Israel spend an inspirational Shabbat at the Chamah campus. The Olim enjoy full Shabbat meals, comfortable sleeping accommodations, listen to interesting lectures and participate in discussions. Activities are arranged for children and youth.


The Jewish Calendar
Most of the immigrants have little or no idea how to properly celebrate the Jewish holidays. Our Community Center offers gatherings free of charge attracting immigrants and introduce them to the traditional foods and songs of each holiday. The open, friendly atmosphere contributes much to finding friends and warming their arrival in Israel.

Chamah arranges conventions and various functions in honor of the Jewish holidays throughout the country. The program includes greetings from various government officials, insights into the upcoming Holiday, a creative element and a festive meal.

Life Cycle Events
Chamah arranges festive celebrations for Olim marking joyous occasions in the Jewish life cycle. From Britot, through to Bar and Bat Mitzvah and Chuppah the Olim know that they can count on Chamah to assist them not only in hard times but in joyous times as well!

Experience Israel
Chamah organizes excursions to different places throughout Israel geared for youth and separately for families. The Olim visit Jewish historical and monumental sites throughout Israel in modern busses accompanied by a professional tour guide who provides explanations, insights and stories thereby enhancing their connection to our homeland.


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Jerusalem Rd. 36     P.O.Box 800

Kiryat Malachi 83107


Tel: 972-8-8501313
