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Nikita B | Chamah > Russia > Children Share Their Stories 22

Chamah > Russia > Children Share Their Stories > Nikita B

Nikita B

16/01/2014 - 15 Shvat 5774

Nikita suffers from junior diabetes and is insulin dependent.

His family, refugees from Georgia moved to Russia and he now lives with his mother in an apartment along with grandmother's family of four (4) although the families maintain separate households. Nikita's father died in 2008. When Nikita was 1 year old, his doctors found that he was diabetic,  Due to his condition, he was unable to attend kindergarten or have formal schooling until 2009 when CHAMAH provided him with the insulin pump. Since then Nikita joined regular school study which allowed his mother the opportunity to find work as she had to attend to Nikita at home for his health and home-schooling.  

Nikita is a true joy at school and very friendly with his classmates. He is very interested to learn Jewish Traditions  and participate in Drama classes. His mother also is interested to participate in Jewish Study classes on Sundays.



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