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Valeria S | Chamah > Russia > Children Share Their Stories 22

Chamah > Russia > Children Share Their Stories > Valeria S

Valeria S

20/01/2014 - 19 Shvat 5774

Valeria lives with her 85-year old grandmother and mother who is handicapped. She was a healthy girl learning well, excelling in sports, drawing and music. Unfortunately in year 2011 she became ill with lymphatic cancer, suffering very much. She undergoes intense chemotherapy at the oncology ward. Since this makes Valeria very weak Chamah designed for her a home schooling program.

Valeria lives with her 85-year old grandmother and mother who is handicapped. She was a healthy girl learning well, excelling in sports, drawing and music. Unfortunately in year 2011 she became ill with lymphatic cancer, suffering very much. She undergoes intense chemotherapy at the oncology ward. Since this makes Valeria very weak Chamah designed for her a home schooling program.

Valeria needs various medications which should be given  to her free of charge. However, when her mother orders the medications she is told that it is out of supply forcing her to purchase them privately. In addition she needs private medications which enhance her treatments. 

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