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Alex R | Chamah > Russia > Children Share Their Stories 22

Chamah > Russia > Children Share Their Stories > Alex R

Alex R

20/01/2014 - 19 Shvat 5774

When Alex was 3 years old, his father died. In a year there appeared a new diagnosis: Alex has got epilepsy. The intense medications which Alex had received during these years, provoked neurology delay.

Alex was born into a happy family – a mother, a father and a grandmother, but because of malpractice on the part of the doctors, the child got asphyxia, then – apparent death. After that the child was fortunately alive, but couldn’t speak and walk (cerebral palsy). When Alex was 3 years old, his father died. In a year there appeared a new diagnosis: Alex has got epilepsy. The intense medications which Alex had received during these years, provoked neurology delay.


His mother, a graduate of Moscow Conservator, noticed that her son is fond of listening to music. She herself began to teach him “to speak on music”, and it brought some progress.


Alex doesn’t go to school. Before coming to us Alex could see children in the play ground near his home and sometimes he came to Gan Chamah school to Jewish holidays. 


We decided to accept the family into the work of our Club. Last year his mother came with Alex by a social taxi to CHAMAH. At first Alex was too excited to see many children, to hear songs and music. It was too difficult for him to express his emotions so he began to shout and cry, but later we took Alex to individual lessons, and then to work in circles. He loved his Patron – Teacher Roman. We are happy to hear that now, Alex could pronounce some words clearly: “Roman”, “club”….


Alex’s relations with the children have changed a lot. In 7 months he began to join children and play with them. Now he is less dependent on his mother. “For Alex, our Family Club is the only hope to be with children and to feel that they are friendly with him” , says his mother. For her it is also important to communicate with Rabbi. Her last questions was whether her Jewish boy may have Bar Mitsva.



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